Governor's Address - Official Opening of the Third Assembly

H.E Governor Joseph Ole Lenku Poses with Hon. Speaker Justus Ngossor, Clerk of the County Assembly Leboo Saisa (Far Left) & Deputy Clerk Kipambi Ntele (Far Right)

Governor's Address - Official Opening of the Third Assembly

H.E Governor Joseph Ole Lenku addressing the County Assembly of Kajiado plenary session during the official opening of the Third session of the Third Assembly

Official opening of Third Assembly

Prayer Session during the joint opening prayers for the MCA's and staff to Kickstart the 3rd session of the third Assembly

WhatsApp Image 2024-03-11 at 2.48.29 PM

Official Opening of the Third Assembly

Staff Members following the sermon delivered by Bishop John Kilole at the Assembly plenary chambers

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Tree Planting

Members and Staff plant over 1000 Trees

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Kajiado County Assembly prides itself in a team of performing staff with excellent professional acumen, drawn from different areas of expertise, purposely for the benefit of Kajiado County. The Honourable members aspire to live to the spirit of devolution that positions them on a pedestal, with intent for service delivery to the people.

Kajiado County Assembly is determined to ensure that the people of Kajiado and the stakeholders benefit from the devolution governance. Professionalism among the staff is key in the legislative arm of the County Government. Seamless and efficient services to the public are our core responsibility. We welcome you to our website hope it helps you learn more about us as we share more on public matters.


Members provide a link between the Assembly and electorate, represent the electorate, maintain close contact and consult them on issues before or under discussion in the Assembly


Assembly may make laws that are necessary for effective performance of functions and exercise power of County Government.


Exercises oversight over the County Executive and other County Executive organs while respecting the principle and separation of powers.

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