Kajiado County Assembly early today kicked off the Public Participation on two health bills – Kajiado County Community Health Services Bill, 2020 and Kajiado County Health Improvement Bill, 2020.

During the meeting Community health volunteers in the vast Kajiado County called on the County Government to establish a legislation that will favour them as the first line health workers.

While taking part in the public participation for the two health bills in the open air market at Kimana Loitokitok, the health workers called on the Assembly to consider their grievances that include stipends and transport allowances.

Hon. Julius Moipai, the leader of the Majority Party said that it is a fact that the Community Health workers undertake a noble work in the remote parts of Kajiado and their needs should be a matter of consideration.

“Your work is actually laudable since you save lives and also you are the immediate medics on the ground we assure you that your genuine concerns will be a matter of consideration,” said Hon Julius Moipai.

The public participation kicked off today. Tomorrow the Committee moves to Namanga, Kajiado Central.